Thursday, October 14, 2010

Digital Home DIY

Due to different housing, different needs, different individual design, the need for intelligence is also high and low, and because of our intelligent building market is in a stage of development, there are still many problems, such as the overall level of technology is not high , uneven regional development, low levels of industrialization, was not related to technology products to meet market demand and a reasonable delay of the contradictions and so on remain to be resolved; some vendors of products and programs are somewhat mixed; some of the real estate business Smart Home are just some packaging concepts.
Also, because each family income level, a number of different interest and hobbies, is selected as an important basis for intelligent home. In general, choose the professional manufacturer, can be rich in options, but also can be customized to achieve the digital home DIY.渚嬪锛屾湞鍗庣殑鏅鸿兘鍏ㄨ兘閬ユ帶鍣ㄥ彲浠ュ瀹朵腑鐨勭伅鍏夊強鐢靛櫒杩涜闆嗕腑鏃犵嚎鎺у埗锛屾敼瑁呯殑鏃跺?涓嶇敤鍑垮寮?Ы锛屽彧瑕佹妸鏅?寮?叧鎹㈡垚鏅鸿兘寮?叧鍗冲彲銆?br />聽聽聽 鎬庢牱鎵嶈兘寤鸿涓?釜閫傚悎鑷繁鐨勬櫤鑳藉灞呭憿锛熸嵁鐩稿叧涓撳浠嬬粛锛屽搴櫤鑳藉寲寤鸿搴旇鏈潃"瀹炵敤涓轰富锛岄?褰撹秴鍓?amp;quot;鐨勫師鍒欙紝鏍规嵁鑷繁鐨勯渶姹傚拰娑堣垂鑳藉姏锛岄?鎷╀笉鍚岀殑瑙e喅鏂规锛氫负鏂逛究澶у瀵规櫤鑳藉灞呯殑璁よ瘑锛屼笅闈互鍥藉唴绗竴瀹朵笓涓氭暟鐮佸灞呭巶鍟嗘湞鍗庢暟鐮侊紙www.zarva.com锛夌殑鍑犱釜鍏稿瀷妗堜緥锛屼緵澶у鍙傝?銆?br />
160m2 of Sanshiliangting (well-off families - convenient and comfortable)
聽聽聽 杩欐槸涓?釜灏忓悍鍨嬶紝姣旇緝閫傚悎3鍙f垨鑰?鍙d箣瀹躲? Feature is not very big investment, mainly in a variety of useful functions mainly.

System function
1, remote control lighting and lighting for local implementation of the profile
2, household appliances, lighting, centralized control
3, household appliances, lighting and conditions control the combination of control
聽聽聽 4銆佸鐢点?鐏厜鐨勮繙绋嬫帶鍒?br />5, read to inform communities
聽聽聽 6銆佸搴闊崇暀瑷?br />聽聽聽 7銆佸彲瑙嗗璁?br />8, gas leak alarm

聽聽聽 瀹炵幇鏂规
聽聽聽聽 聽杩欐槸涓?釜鍩轰簬灏忓尯鐨勫搴櫤鑳界郴缁熻В鍐虫柟妗堬紝鍦ㄧぞ鍖虹鐞嗛儴鍒嗗垎閰嶆湇鍔″櫒鍜屽皬鍖洪厤缃蒋浠讹紝鍦ㄥ搴渶瑕佽繘琛屼笅闈㈢殑鍩规锛?br />1 position in the living room near the door placed in the controller and the intelligent cable box set the one specific location, see diagram.

聽聽聽 2銆佸鍘呬腑浣跨敤涓?釜鍏ㄨ兘閬ユ帶鍣紝涓?釜鎯呮櫙閬ユ帶鍣ㄣ?涓?釜鏃犵嚎鎺ュ姏鍣ㄣ?
3 bedroom with a versatile remote control, a wireless servomotor.
4, a scenario study using remote control, a wireless servomotor.
5, using an all-round children's room remote control, a wireless servomotor.
6, intelligent switch or intelligent socket as follows: living room, including restaurants, two-bit smart switch 2, smart socket, study, double-switch a smart, intelligent socket two bedroom unit a smart switch, smart socket 3, children's room A smart switch unit can only plug the three, kitchen, a double-digit intelligent switch, bathroom, two double-digit intelligent switch.
7, video intercom and intelligent controller unit in front of the video intercom door machine to achieve.
8, in the kitchen, a gas leak sensor arrangement, and connected to the intelligence in the controller.
聽聽聽 300 m2鐨勫埆澧吢犅犅?锛堜腑浜у搴?-璞崕浜彈锛夊埆澧呯ず鎰忓浘濡備笅锛?br />

System function
1, remote control lighting and lighting for local implementation of the profile
2, household appliances, lighting, centralized control
3, household appliances, lighting and conditions control the combination of control
聽聽聽 4銆佸鐢点?鐏厜鐨勮繙绋嬫帶鍒?br />5, read to inform communities
聽聽聽 6銆佸搴闊崇暀瑷?br />聽聽聽 7銆佸彲瑙嗗璁?br />7, gas leak alarm

聽聽聽 瀹炵幇鏂规
聽聽聽聽 杩欐槸涓?釜鍗曠嫭瀹跺涵鐨勬櫤鑳界郴缁熻В鍐虫柟妗堬紝涓嶆彁渚涘悓绀惧尯鐩稿叧鐨勫姛鑳斤紝姣斿灏忓尯閫氱煡绛夌瓑锛屽搴唴闇?杩涜涓嬮潰鐨勫煿妞嶏細
1, in the first floor near the stairs in the controller and the installation of Smart box set of lines, another scene in the restaurant to configure a remote control, the specific location, see diagram.
聽聽聽 2銆佷竴妤煎鍘呬腑浣跨敤涓?釜鍏ㄨ兘閬ユ帶鍣紝涓?釜鎯呮櫙閬ユ帶鍣ㄣ?涓?釜鏃犵嚎鎺ュ姏鍣ㄣ?
聽聽聽 3銆佷簩妤煎崸瀹や腑浣跨敤涓?釜鍏ㄨ兘閬ユ帶鍣紝涓?釜鎯呮櫙閬ユ帶鍣ㄣ?涓?釜鏃犵嚎鎺ュ姏鍣ㄣ?
4, third floor bedroom with a versatile remote control, a wireless servomotor, a scenario study, the use of remote control, a wireless servomotor.
聽聽聽 5銆佹櫤鑳藉紑鍏虫垨鏅鸿兘鎻掑骇濡備笅锛?br />On the first floor living room including dining, 2 double-intelligent switch and intelligent socket 2;
On the second floor smart switch 2 bedroom units, intelligent socket 4;
聽聽聽 浜屾ゼ瀹跺涵瀹ゅ弻浣嶆櫤鑳藉紑鍏?涓紝鏅鸿兘鎻掑骇2涓紱
On the second floor gym, a two-bit smart switch;
聽聽聽 涓夋ゼ涓诲崸锛屽崟浣嶆櫤鑳藉紑鍏?涓紝鏅鸿兘鎻掑骇3涓紱
Kitchen, a double-digit intelligent switch, bathroom, double-intelligent switch 4, smart socket 3''intelligent switch 4 corridor;
6, video intercom installed in the villa entrance door machine.
7, a gas leak in the kitchen layout sensors can switch one bathroom, two double-digit intelligent switch, and controller connected to the Intelligence.

The Smart Home program for home environment, home device to provide a shared access centers to realize the smart home environment and equipment management, remote management, centralized management and resource sharing. Achieve arbitrary appliance controls, convenient and efficient information services, personalized security measures. For example Zhaohua home wireless control system remote control all-round variety of consumer electronics devices can be set in a series of button operation, when we want to watch VCD's time in the past to go through a turn on the TV, amplifier and power 鈫?the TV VCD machine will transition to Video 鈫?state power amplifier options for VCD 鈫?Play VCD and other steps.鐜板彧闇?竴涓姩浣滐細鎸変笅鎴戜滑鑷畾涔夌殑"鐪媀CD閿?amp;quot;锛屽氨鍙畬鎴愪笂闈㈠叏閮ㄧ殑鎿嶄綔姝ラ銆?br />Meanwhile, the scene can realize remote control of lighting scenarios, the user can control the learning needs of the remote scene lighting condition code to control all the lights to adjust to the specified state and focus on a key, then press the specified key at any time to achieve control of lighting scenes or immediate family ---- brightly lit room or instant gentle into the night; or to the bedroom wall and a half out, the living room the lights ... ... no need to open or turn off the lights one by one , all lighting problems can be solved once situations control. When we leave the house when Zarva intelligence community in the smart home system controller will start its state of security equipment and sent to residential electric alarm server.濡傛灉瀹堕噷鏈変汉闂叆銆佸彂鐢熺伀鐏炬垨鐓ゆ皵娉勬紡锛屾櫤鑳戒腑鎺у櫒椹笂鎶婁俊鎭?鍒板皬鍖虹數瀛愭姤璀︽湇鍔″櫒锛屽悓鏃讹紝閫氳繃棰勫厛璁剧疆鐨勭數璇濇妸鎯呮姤閫氱煡缁欐垜浠?
Moreover, these programs are not unattainable. For example, a 100 square meters of housing, if the use of smart home products Zarva Digital transformed into a primary minimum configuration of the "smart house", only a few thousand dollars.


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